Paul Wallace Wines
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Short Description
Paul Wallace Wines is surrounded by vineyards, natural dams with abundant birdlife and unparalleled sunsets. It is a little piece of paradise!
Long Description

Paul and Nicky Wallace purchased their 25 hectare farm in September 2003 and immediately set out to create their own little piece of heaven. Paul is a viticultural consultant and here at last he could practise what he has advised and encouraged other farmers to do in their vineyards.

It has long been Paul's belief that the cool-climate region of Elgin, previously best known for its apples and pears, is one of the most exciting developing wine regions within the South African wine industry and indeed internationally.

The Golden Delicious and Granny Smit orchards have been replaced by plantings of Sauvignon Blanc, Malbec and Pinot Noir, changing the face of the farm entirely. During winter 2016 our first Chardonnay and Cabernet Franc vines were planted and the Malbec vineyard is in the process of being extended, taking our planted area up to 12 hectares. While what we plant on the remaining four hectares of arable land is still hotly debated at the dinner table, cattle graze peacefully on the rolling pastures.

The whole family are very much involved in whatever vineyard activity needs to be done, from tipping vines, clearing alien vegetation as well as the training and trellising of young vines. The contribution of sons, Mark and Bobby, both winemaking graduates and currently employed by other brands within the Elgin Valley is acknowledged on the farm signboard which they insist bear their names!

Paul and Nicky have recently completed some extensive renovations to the farm buildings. Two labourer's cottages have been refurbished into self-catering accommodation whilst a third cottage has been converted into a charming tasting room which is open every Saturday from 10.30 am - 5pm. If there is rugby at Newlands they may close a tad early and head on through to watch the match. If the Stormers/Province game is away you are welcome to watch it on the DSTv screen in their tasting room. The tasting room can be visited any time during the week, Sundays or Public Holidays by prior arrangement. An added bonus all adding to the warm hospitality you will experience is that the wines have been paired with delicious Belgian chocolate.

Surrounded by vineyards, natural dams with abundant bird life and unparalleled sunsets, Wallovale Vineyards, the Home of Paul Wallace Wines, is a little piece of paradise.

Phone Number
021 848 9744
Street Address
Farm #63, Wallovale Vineyards, Highlands Rd, Elgin, Grabouw, 7180
Western Cape
Postal Code
  • Paul Wallace Wines
  • Paul Wallace Wines


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