TOPS at SPAR Wine Show’s ‘Local & Lekker – SA Wine’ online wine course starts on 29 September have you booked your spot yet? This entry-level course is neatly packaged into four live 60-minute online ‘Zoom’ sessions. Each session starts with some informative theory presented in Cathy Marston’s engaging style, followed by an interactive, practical tasting session to put what you have just learned into practice; plus the opportunity to engage in live Q&A’s with Cathy Marston online. And you’ll get access to downloadable course material and a course recording will be supplied after each session!

We can’t think of a better interactive, fun way to connect with friends whilst social distancing – think of this as an online wine club…wine’s answer to book club!

A perfect fit for the wine-curious seeking a deeper understanding of the nuances of wine, ‘Local & Lekker – SA Wine’ will cover wines from the past and wines from the future in the first two sessions. The third demystifies fortified wines and the perfect finale will shine the spotlight on fabulous fizz!

Space is limited so book your spot on the TOPS at SPAR Wine Show website. Wines are not included. The course is presented live by Cathy Marston and consists of four sessions, taking place from 18h00 to 19h00 every Tuesday and Thursday over two weeks. TOPS at SPAR Wine Show’s ‘Local & Lekker –SA Wine’ starts on Tuesday, 29 September and concludes on Thursday, 8 October (registration closes the Monday before the first session.)

Dirk Tolken
Author: Dirk Tolken